Summarized Background Information

Rocks come in different shapes and sizes, but no one rock is “stable or immune to weathering. Weathering is the alteration of rocks from their exposure to the agents of air, water, and organic fluids” (Burns, 2003). Although all rocks are affected by weathering, each rock takes a certain amount of chemical or mechanical exposure to define the rate at which it weathers. By investigating the question ‘Does limestone chemically and mechanically weather faster than granite, sandstone, and shale?’it will help support the opinion that the rate of which limestone weathers is more rapid than that of granite, sandstone, and shale from abrasion and the altering of pH levels of diluted acid that will be used to show weathering.

Chemical weathering is when a rock is slowly weathered away from chemical reactions that happen from water and a combination of different gases. Granite one of the rocks being used in the experiment is known to weather slower than most rocks, for example a group of scientist from Queen’s University in Belfast have investigated the weathering of a lighthouse, which uses granite as its interior structure. The granite used in the lighthouse, which was built over a century ago is starting to show signs of harsh weathering from “long-term exposure to aggressive maritime conditions”, which are causing serious problems (Warke,2002). Although the granite is now starting to show some signs of decay, it took over a hundred years and exposure to aggressive water to do so. This greatly shows that out of the three rock samples being tested against limestone, that granite will most likely show less weathering through the duration of the experiment.

 Mechanical weathering is when rocks break down into smaller pieces, usually caused by change in temperature or natural forces such as tree roots that grow around rocks. The most common example of mechanical weathering is the “repeated freezing and thawing of water in rock crevices and soil material” (Fraser, 1959). We see limestone used in very important things, such as cement which is used to make buildings and sidewalks. We often see that sidewalks are cracked which is caused by heating and cooling that eventually break down the cement. Since limestone is very soluble from water and “the more acidic the water is the more [the] limestone will react” causing the limestone to eventually start to weather and erode away (Senese, 1997).

During the experiment to support the idea that limestone will weather away faster, the pH of diluted acid being used on all four rocks will be alternated every day to show the effect of acidic rain, which causes a lot of weathering and erosion for rocks. The mineral composition of limestone will also play a heavy factor in this experiment because limestone is a sedimentary rock that is mostly composed of calcite and aragonite, it is also composed of skeletal fragments of sea organisms. Limestones mineral composition is one of the main reasons why it is hypothesized it will weather faster than the other three rock samples.

Picture of all different types of rocks

Experimental Design

The question asked was, ‘will limestone have a greater loss of weight after being chemically weather compared to the other rocks?’. To figure this out the rocks needed to be regularly weathered with vinegar then weighed a day after to see the effect of the vinegar on them. Also the variables needed to be identified to set up the experiment clearly. The variables were:

Independent Variable: Type of rock (limestone, granite, sandstone, and shale)

Dependent Variable: The weight of the rocks (grams)

Control: Limestone

Constants: Jars that the rocks will be in, dropper that will put the acid on the rocks, scale to weigh the rocks, the rocks (limestone, granite, sandstone, and shale) being used throughout the experiment, area they will be kept in, and type of vinegar.

Testing the vinegar dropped on piece of limestone

Analysis/Conclusion/Data Gaps


The hypothesis for this experiment was that if drops of vinegar with an acidic level of 3, were added to each of the different types of rocks, the amount of grams weathered away on limestone will be greater than granite, sandstone, and shale after ten days. Based on the analysis of the data collected, this experiment seems to have refuted the hypothesis. The amount of weathering limestone was put under was not enough to beat the amount of grams sandstone lost.

Supporting results in the refute of the hypothesis include the fact that out of the ten days vinegar was added to the rocks, lost a small amount of grams, it did although change in physical appearance. On average the amount of grams that limestone weathered away throughout the three trials was 11.3 grams. The average amount of grams weathered is similar to the result of sandstone, 11.9 grams. It is suggested that limestone and sandstone average amount was fairly similar because of their composition and the way they reacted to the vinegar. The small amount of grams that limestone weathered off supports that the hypothesis was refuted and suggest that the amount of days given for this experiment could have been longer.

To conclude on this experiment, it is clear that although the limestone reacted the best with the vinegar it did not weather the most of the four rocks that were tested. Many questions arose in the duration of this experiment, for example why did the acid that was dropped on the limestone become neutralized and the others didn’t? Although limestone is known to weather away easily for example, concrete sidewalks that have limestone in it are easily cracked or worn down, it was suggested that many of the technical errors during this experiment could have contributed to the lack of weathering of limestone. Future experiments for this may include a stronger acid to work with and more use of the acid during the experiment. This experiment could be applied to a real life test, if scientist wanted to know exactly how much acid rain has to make contact with limestone until it is completely worn away.  Despite the fact that limestone barely weathered throughout the experiment, students who would want to expand this experiment could tests  different types of limestone rocks to see the rate of weathering between them, and get a better understanding of each of their compositions.


Data Gaps:

During this experiment, there were many technical errors that contributed to the refute of my hypothesis, for instance when adding the drops of vinegar to each rock and letting it rest for a day before adding more, the acidic level of each rock was not taken. Many of the rocks could have become neutralized, making the vinegar no longer have effect on the rock. To avoid this from happening, the sample of rocks should be tested everyday to make sure that the vinegar being dropped on the rocks does not neutralize out.

The type of acid being used in this experiment should be stronger than a 3 on the pH scale, so that it could potentially have a bigger impact of the weathering of each rock and could show results in a better way. The amount of acid being dropped on each rock should be increased, letting the rocks have a higher chance of being weathered more efficiently.This could help get a better understanding at the rate of weathering between different rocks.

For this experiment the duration was not long enough for the rocks to start breaking down enough for it to have a definite result, making the whole experiment seem very rushed through. To avoid this, the duration of this experiment should be extended for the results to be more accurate and let the rocks break down as if they were actually outside being weathered away. This will help the ending results of the experiment become more precise and less rushed through.

Weighing limestone the day after adding vinegar 



Burns, S. F. (2003). Weathering of Rocks. Retrieved from


Fraser, J.K. (1959). Freeze-Thaw Frequencies and Mechanical Weathering in Canada. Arctic

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Senese, F. (1997). What is the General Reaction of Limestone With Water. General Chemistry

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Warke, P.A., Smith, B.J. (2002). Stone Decay in Offshore Irish Lighthouse. Queen’s University

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